
04 June 2015

Raydah Escarpment – Bird records by Khalifah Al Dhaheri

Khalifah Al Dhaheri sent me details of his trip last weekend to the Abha area. He managed to see most of the species he was keen to locate and took some great photographs of many of the birds seen. He has very kindly allowed me to use some of his photos from his flickr account which is here and has many more excellent photos on. The Raydah Escarpment is the premier birding site near Abha and is a Saudi Wildlife Authority protected reserve with a very steep road going from the guards point at the top to a village at the bottom. It is one of the best places in the Kingdom for see Arabian Partridge and Khalifa saw the following species there: Two Philby's Partridges a species not seen in the location for a few years, three Arabian Partridges, two African Gray Hornbills, Brown-necked Raven, five Fan-tailed Ravens, Crested Lark, African Stonechat, two Blackstarts, three Arabian Wheatears and five Red-breasted Wheatears.
Philby's Partridge
Philby's Partridge
Philby's Partridge
Philby's Partridge
African Stonechat
African Stonechat