
03 June 2015

Migrants and Residents at Sabkaht Al Fasl – Bird record by Phil Roberts

Phil Roberts was birding at Sabkhat Al Fasl at the weekend and sent me a few photographs of what he saw there. He mentioned it was a little quiet but that was all changed by his finding of a Red-knobbed Coot, a first for Saudi Arabia and about which I have posted earlier. Phil mentioned there were plenty of White-cheeked Terns around now, which is not too surprising as they are just starting to breed on the nearby islands. Some migrants are still passing through and Red-backed Shrikes were seen. This is a late migrant through Saudi Arabia with birds often seen into June. Other birds seen included Little Ringed Plover a migrant breeder to the area and resident breeders such as Little Bittern, Pallid Swift and Black-winged Stilt. The last species is present all year but it is uncertain they are truly resident.
White-cheeked Tern
White-Cheeked Tern
Red-backed Shrike - male
Red-backed Shrike - male
Little Ringed Plover
Little Ringed Plover
Little Bittern - male
Little Bittern - male
Pallid Swift
Pallid Swift
Black-winged Stilt
Black-winged Stilt