
04 May 2015

Lesser Crested Tern Ringing Recovery from Bahrain – The Maldives

The ringing team in Bahrain lead by Professor Brendan Kavanagh have been ringing Lesser Crested & Bridled Terns since 2007. I have been going on these ringing trips for the last four years and will continuing in future years although not in 2015 as Ramadan and Eid are during the period that we normally ring. The majority of birds caught are flightless young and we have had a number of ringing recoveries of these birds including the latest recovery of the bird below in the Maldives. This is the second recovery from this area and is shown on the map below with the circle (Persian Gulf also known as Arabian Gulf) near Bahrain the ringing site and the red marker (Laccadive Sea) the finding site.

Ring Number: DT02051
Ringing date: 20-Jun-2014
Ringing Place: Al Jarim Island South, near Bahrain, Bahrain & Qatar (Co-ords: 26deg 23min N 50deg 28min E)
Ringer: B Kavanagh, 4736
Finding date: 20-Oct-2014
Finding Place: The Maldives (Co-ords: 1deg 56min N 73deg 23min E)
Finding Condition: Caught in trap set for other species and took fish bait.
Duration: 122 days
Distance: 3657 km
Direction: 138deg (SE)
Finder: Mohamed Nazim, Rosemead B Kamadhoo, Maldives 255

All the birds that have been recovered have moved in an ESE or SE direction. Other recoveries have come from India, Sri Lanka and Indonesia with a bird, probably one of ours seen and photographed with a ring in Malaysia (see ringing tab at the top of the page to find out more details on these birds).

Lesser Crested Tern Ringing Recovery