
28 May 2015

Birds of the Tabuk area – Bird records by Viv Wilson

Viv Wilson a birder from Tabuk who goes out almost every weekend and photographs birds has sent me a number of photos recently of what he has been seeing. Most birds are common passage migrants at this time of year and have included good numbers of Barn Swallows and European Bee-eaters. European Bee-eaters have passed through the country in much higher numbers than usual this year, possibly indicating a good breeding season last summer. They have also been seen throughout the Kingdom from the southwest to the northeast. Viv also photographed a Graceful Prinia a species that is a common breeding resident and an Eastern Olivaceous Warbler an uncommon summer breeder. Viv has kindly given me permission to use his photos on my website some of which are shown below.
Barn Swallow
Barn Swallow
Barn Swallow
Barn Swallow
Eastern Olivaceous Warbler
Eastern Olivaceous Warbler
European Bee-eater
European Bee-eater
European Bee-eater
European Bee-eater
Graceful Prinia
Graceful Prinia