
24 April 2015

Male Montagu’s Harrier - Ash Shargiyah Development Company Farm

The Montagu’s Harrier is a uncommon but regular passage migrant throughout Saudi Arabia, with the majority of birds seen being immatures or females. Whilst birding Ash Shargiyah Development Company Farm last weekend Phil Roberts and I saw an adult male Monatgu’s Harrier over one of the spray fields. The bird flew off but we later saw it perched on the ground but before we could get in position to photograph it the bird flew, luckily right over us and then off. I managed to grab a few quick shots from the car that are shown below that was good as this was the first time I have seen an adult male in the Kingdom. Birds are uncommon passage migrants in the Eastern Province mainly from April to May and from September to October with a few birds apparently wintering and up to eight seen in a day at Haradh in September. Birds of the Riyadh Region by Stagg 1994, says they are a common passage migrant and increasingly frequent winter visitor that passes March and again late August to mid-October. Since 1988, winter visitors have taken up residence around alfalfa fields south of Riyadh during December and January. Other records have come from all areas from the southwest to the northeast of the Kingdom although the species is not common anywhere.
Montagu’s Harrier

Montagu’s Harrier

Montagu’s Harrier