
08 April 2015

Increasing number of migrants at Sabkhat Al Fasl – Bird records by Phil Roberts

Phil went to Sabkhat Al Fasl at the weekend and said there were now quite a lot of migrants.  The highlights were two adult Black-crowned Night Herons that are not often seen at the site although 2015 has been a good year for the species. He also saw two Eurasian Wrynecks, lots of Tree Pipits, loads of Red-throated Pipits, Yellow wagtails (now mainly beema), two late staying Greater Spotted Eagles, loads of male Common Redstarts, 100+ Barn Swallows, a few Sand Martin, a Western Great Egret, two Common Kingfisher, three Woodchat Shrikes and a few winter stragglers such as White Wagtail & Water Pipit.
Yellow Wagtail - beema
Yellow Wagtail - beema
Common Kingfisher - male
Common Kingfisher - male