I went to the golf course first thing in the morning and
I saw a few interesting birds including a new ‘patch’ species for me in the
form of a Semi-collared Flycatcher. The bird was seen very early in the morning
when the light was poor for photography so I did not get any photos, but good
views were obtained as it sat quietly in the trees by the side of the pond.
Initially it flew up from near the ground, perched briefly at some distance and
disappeared and thoughts of Red-breasted Flycatcher entered my mind on the very
brief views. This would be a very good bird for the ‘patch’ so I went to look
for the bird and refound it in the small hedge where it gave good views and
proved to be a Semi-collared Flycatcher. Other birds of note were plenty of Lesser
Whitethroats and Common Chiffchaffs flitting about the bushes and several
Turkestan and a single Daurian Shrike. The pond is now full of water again and
as normal a few herons were frequenting it including a Grey Heron, a Juvenile
Black-crowned Night Heron, two Squacco Herons, two Cattle Egrets and a Western
Great Egret all present. The reeds around the pond had an Indian (Clamorous)
Reed Warbler and several Graceful Pinias.
Over the pond where a Little Tern fishing and plenty of Sand Martins, House
Martins, Barn Swallows and Pallid Swifts and few European Bee-eaters.
_Reed_Warbler.jpg) |
Indian (Clamorous) Reed Warbler |
Little Tern |
Squacco Heron |