
10 March 2015

Two large herons – Dhahran Hills golf course

The small pond on the edge of Dhahran Hills golf course has been attracting some good birds in the last month. The water level has dropped considerably at the pond but two large herons were seen flying over and perched in the nearby trees yesterday. The most interesting was a Western Great Egret a species recorded only occasionally on the patch. The species is a regular winter visitor to coastal areas south to Dammam mainly from September to March and occasionally in late May. The largest counts of the species have come in recent years from Sabkhat Al Fasl where up to 150 birds have been seen together. The other species was a Grey Heron a more common visitor but again not common. Birds have been seen by several people on the camp, in the desert area by the side of the golf course so this bird is presumably the same one. Despite a good search of the pond and nearby trees the only other interesting birds seen were a few fly over Pallid Swifts, a single Little Egret, several Indian (Clamorous) Reed Warblers, a male Turkestan Shrike and a Common Whitethroat.
Western Great Egret
Western Great Egret
Western Great Egret
Western Great Egret
Western Great Egret
Western Great Egret
Western Great Egret
Western Great Egret
Western Great Egret
Western Great Egret
Grey Heron
Grey Heron 
Grey Heron
Grey Heron
Grey Heron
Grey Heron