
06 March 2015

Migrants appearing – Sabkhat Al Fasl

A few more migrants are appearing in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia now and soon migration should be in full swing. Quite a few birds as well as different species of migrants were seen on my trip to Sabkhat Al Fasl last weekend with some definite migrants and other birds that wer probably migrants but could have been overwintering birds. Some definite migrants included Woodchat Shrike, the first one I have seen this spring and plenty of Daurian Shrikes were also seen with the numbers too large for winter visitors at all.  Grey Wagtail and Yellow Wagtail are also migrants with a single Grey Wagtail and probably 30 Black-headed Wagtails seen. Plenty of wintering White Wagtails are also still present but they will be departing in the next few weeks. Other probable migrants included Isabelline Wheatear and Eastern Stonechat, although there is a possibility they could be winter visitors as well. Barn Swallow and ten Red-rumped Swallows were also migrants and three Pallid Swifts were also seen.
Woodchat Shrike
Woodchat Shrike
Daurian Shrike
Daurian Shrike
Grey Wagtail
Grey Wagtail
  Black-headed Wagtail
Black-headed Wagtail
Isabelline Wheatear
Isabelline Wheatear
Eastern Stonechat
Eastern Stonechat