
06 February 2015

A few Winter Wheatears from northern Saudi Arabia – Bird recerds by Mansur Al Fahd and Viv Wilson

I have recently received a few photographs from both Mansur Al Fahd and Viv Wilson of various Wheatears from the north of the Kingdom. Manusr sent me photos of a Finsch's Wheatear a species that is an uncommon winter visitor to Northern Hejaz, Tabuk, Northern Deserts, Summan Plateau and the northern Eastern Province where they have been recorded in all months between late September and late March with late birds sometimes occurring in early April. Viv has sent me photos of Eastern Mourning Wheatear a species that is an uncommon winter visitor to the deserts and rock outcrops of Central Arabia and the Gulf, that have also been seen rarely in the Empty Quarter open desert. They are resident in northern and north central areas of the country and occur mainly from October to March elsewhere, although a few birds may stay until April. Viv also sent some photos of White-crowned Wheatear a species that is a locally common breeding resident in dry rocky areas that occurs in the Hejaz north from Taif,and the Asir south of Soudah and Najran. The status in the south of the Kingdom is unclear as they were a fairly common breeding resident at base of the escarpment until 1990 but now numbers have dropped significantly, They also occur in the Tuwaiq escarpment and locally in the Gulf especially around the Shedgum escarpment. Records from the north of the country have come from Jauf, Hail, Harrat al Harrah Reserve and Dawadimi. In the Riyadh are birds are a locally common breeding resident with some movement within the region post-breeding and during the winter months. I would like to thank both Mansur and Viv for allowing me to use their photographs on my website.
Finsch's Wheatear
Finsch's Wheatear
Finsch's Wheatear
Finsch's Wheatear
Eastern Morning Wheatear
Eastern Morning Wheatear
White-crowned Wheatear
White-crowned Wheatear