
09 January 2015

Indian (Clamorous) Reed Warblers and Great Reed Warblers – Sabkhat Al Fasl

Indian (Clamorous) Reed Warbler is a common resident species at Sablhat Al Fasl as has been proved by our ringing there this year. After our session on 24 October we had caught and ringed 45 different birds and had re-trapped seven, most within a week or two of original capture. We only ring in a small area of the site, less than half a square kilometre, so this shows how many birds are present. It also appears there is at least some local movement, possibly within the site itself, as I would have thought we would have had more re-traps as was the case when we ringed at a smaller site in Bahrain. Great Reed Warbler is an uncommon passage migrant and we have caught nine birds this year including birds both in the spring and autumn. One re-trap in the autumn was caught a month after its original capture showing birds stay for some time during this migration season. There is the possibility that Great Reed Warbler breeds at the location although we have no proof ourselves of this. We did catch a number of Indian Reed Warblers with brood patches showing breeding was taking place in April and May.
Indian (Clamorous) Reed Warbler
Great Reed Warbler
Great Reed Warbler
Great Reed Warbler