
07 January 2015

Eurasian Stone Curlew near Tabuk – bird records by Viv Wilson

Viv found and photographed a Eurasian Stone Curlew in early October 2014 near Tabuk and has allowed me to use his photos on my website. This is a species I am still yet to see in the country and was a good find by Viv. The Eurasian Stone Curlew Burhinus oedicnemus is a scarce migrant in the Eastern Province although probably annual especially at Haradh. It has occurred in widely scattered localities across the region. Most records have been in March and October. It has occurred in February to early May, once in July and from September to November with up to seven found together but normally singly. Elsewhere they are a scarce migrant and winter visitor. A few birds winter in open sandy areas even in the Empty Quarter where it was commoner previously. In the southwest they are an uncommon bird although a flock of 100 were seen roosting on a plateau near Qarnayn 28 December 1991. Elsewhere in Saudi Arabia they are an uncommon migrant and probably a winter visitor to the Tihamah, coastal plain near Jeddah and central Arabia south of 25°N.