
05 November 2014

Late October bird records from Ad Duwaihy – Bird records by Dan Sonnenberg

Dan Sonnenberg is working at Ad Duwaihy east of Taif and has sent an update of the birds he has been seeing including an Ortolan Bunting today, and unknown nightjar flying over camp at dusk. A Single White Stork 29 October, a good bird for the region of Saudi Arabia. He also saw a couple of Spotted Flycatchers in camp with a lot of White Wagtails around, showing they are returning for the winter n earnest now. Dan also saw quite a few Great Reed Warblers 27 October matching nicely the numbers seen in Dhahran and caught at Sabkhat Al Fasl showing they are passing on a broad front at the moment. A number of Siberian Stonechats, one male adult and several females/juveniles and a Willow Warbler 30 October. Dan also located a beautiful Greater Hoopoe Lark and a flock of Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters flying south. I thank Dan for sending me the data from this under recorded part of Saudi Arabia.
Western White Stork
Greater Hoopoe Lark