
09 November 2014

Amazing number of Common Pochards and other ducks – Dhahran Hills

As I have mentioned a few times this autumn has been a bit disappointing for birds but to help rectify the situation duck numbers have been very good with record counts of Ferruginous Ducks on the ‘patch’. On 5 November I  also had a record count of Common Pochard with 39 birds seen. A single bird was seen several weeks ago that was quickly joined by a second bird. Then about a week later numbers had increased to ten birds and now to 39. Also good numbers of other ducks were present with 45 Northern Shoveler, two Gadwall, one female Pintail and 11 Ferruginous Ducks. Gadwall and Pintail are scarce birds on the pond so it was a good evenings count of ducks. Unfortunately there was nothing else of note at all possible due to the high winds we have been experiencing recently.
Northern Shoveler