
14 October 2014

Wet ditch still producing – Dhahran Hills

The wet ditch is still producing a few waders which is good as the settling pond and percolation pond are now attracting little in the way of this group of birds. The ditch has been good for Redshanks this autumn with both Common Redshank and Spotted Redshank recorded. Yesterday there was another Common Redshank that was very flighty but after being joined by three Little Stints it settled down and allowed photographs to be taken of it. Also in the ditch were a Wood Sandpiper, a Dunlin and two Black-winged Stilts. Elsewhere there was little evidence of migration with only a few birds of interest being seen. The best bird was an immature Greater Spotted Eagle seen flying off from the trees around the percolation pond. This species is seen every year in varying numbers but they are never common and always nice to see. This is the first record for me in the camp this autumn although Phil saw one a few weeks ago. A western Marsh harrier was also seen over the spray fields but very little else. The percolation pond had four White-winged Terns, three Northern Shoveller, two Garganey and eleven Furruginous Ducks. The only passerine of note were a few Tawny Pipits.
Common Redshank
Common Redshank
Common Redshank
Little Stint
Little Stint
Black-winged Stilt