
01 October 2014

Temminck’s Stint and plenty of Ferruginous Ducks – Dhahran Hills

The ‘patch’ has been good for Temminck’s Stints in the last week or so with at least eight birds seen. One has spent a few days on the wet ditch and has been giving good views, although it is easily disturbed if anyone comes too close. Likewise the Ferruginous Ducks on the percolation pond are easily scarred but the numbers increased to 24 on 27 September with 16 still there the next day. Numbers are difficult to accurately count as they hide in the big reed bed. Three Garganey are also still on the pond but little else of note. Two Purple Herons were seen flying over on 28 September but they did not land and flew off. A few Northern Wheatears and Isabelline Wheatears have been passing through, as have small numbers of Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters. Spotted Flycatchers have also been seen occasionally, as was one European Turtle Dove in the trees beside the pond. This is the first individual of this species I have seen for more than a month. Unfortunately the bird was into the sun so the photo is not as good as it could have been. The settling pond has very little water and is mainly mud now but has attracted a small flock of 15 Little Stints, Wood Sandpiper and Kentish Plover. Up to four White-winged Terns have been over the percolation pond for a few days and plenty of Barn Swallows and Sand Martins are still around.
Temminck's Stint
Temminck's Stint
Temminck's Stint
Purple Heron
European Turtle Dove
Wood Sandpiper