
09 October 2014

Plenty of migrants at Tabuk – Bird records by Viv Wilson

Viv went out birding on Saudi Arabia national day on 23 September and saw a good number of migrants on his local patch. The first returning Greater Spotted Eagle of the winter was flying over as were Western Osprey, Western Marsh Harrier and Pallid Harrier. Viv also saw a few good shrikes with Arabian Grey Shrike, Lesser Grey Shrike, Red-backed Shrie and Masked Shrike. The wetland area held Common Snipe, White-tailed Lapwings and Squacco Herons and a European Roller added a flash of colour to the days birding. Viv has kindly allowed me to use his photos on my website which a re shown below.
Greater Spotted Eagle 
Western Osprey
Western Marsh Harrier
Pallid Harrier
Masked Shrike
Red-backed Shrike
Common Snipe
Squacco Heron
White-tailed Lapwings