
25 October 2014

KFUPM update – Bird records by Lorna Mackenzie

I received an update on the birds of KFUPM, next to Dhahran Saudi Aramco camp from Lorna. She mentioned there was not much news actually, quite a quiet week for migrants but a couple of nice birds during the week or so past. Small numbers of Swifts and Swallows this week, a few this morning flying around me at street level. A couple of Shrikes on Saturday, both Isabelline one female and one 1st winter. Also of 1st winter birds I've had a stunning Great Reed Warbler this week, in fact I saw it first a couple of weeks ago but was somewhat mystified by just a glimpse of quite a rich red-brown colouring. I caught a brief sight of the reddish colouring a couple of times and then on Friday was rewarded at the same location by it's rather bolder appearance in more open view. Impressive, and beautifully lit in early morning sunshine. Also a couple of Spotted Flycatchers again this week, and a Lesser Whitethroat. There has not been too much more on the camp over this period showing that things are quiet over a large area pf the Eastern Province at least.
Spotted Flycatcher