
13 October 2014

Good numbers of Namaqua Doves – Dhahran Hills

Good numbers of Namaqua Doves are still around at the moment mainly in the spray field area with males, females and juveniles seen indicating breeding has occurred again in the vicinity. Eurasian Collared Dove numbers also seem to have increased so maybe some local migration is taking place? And juveniles are also about again indicating local breeding. At least twenty Western Cattle Egrets have now returned to Dhahran for the winter. I saw the first one about two weeks ago but numbers have built up quickly to todays count. The numbers normally peak at over 100 birds in the middle of winter so 20 in September is a good start. European Hoopoe numbers are still high with both local resident breeding birds and migrants around at the moment.
Namaqua Dove - female
Eurasian Collared Dove - juvenile