
19 October 2014

Common Redshank but not much else – Dhahran Hills

The evenings birding produced the same Common Redshank as seen a couple of days ago in the wet ditch. It has become a bit more tolerant of disturbance in the last few days so I was able to get quite close to take photos. Also on the ditch was a single Black-winged Stilt but not much else. The settling pond and spray fields only had a single White Wagtail, the first for the winter for me. Numbers of this species should build up considerably over the next two months as additional wintering birds arrive. A female Pied Wheatear was in the spray fields but nothing else of note. The percolation pond had a Marsh Sandpiper, 16 Ferruginous Ducks, one Common Pochard was still present, three Northern Shovellers and two Garganey otherwise it was very quiet.