
29 October 2014

Birds of Dhahran – Bird records by Harald Ris

Harald Ris the son of Mats is visiting Dhahran again and really enjoying the birding in the autumn with different species than when he last visited in spring. Harald shared his latest records and has allowed me to use them and a few of his photos. On October 24 there were quite a few Eurasian Sparrowhawks, Common Snipe, Little Stint, two Blue-cheeked Bee-eater, immature Marsh Harrier, at least 30 White Wagtails, Sand Martins and White-winged terns. On October 25 Harald had very close and nice views of a juvenile Greater Spotted eagle plus a Red-backed Shrike and a Gull-billed Tern over the pond. On October 26 he walked around the ditch and saw some waders including Spotted Redshank, Wood Sandpiper and Green Sandpiper as well as a Grey Wagtail. On October 27 he saw an Asian Desert Warbler stalking a Desert Wheatear at the golf course. This is a habit that often occurs when the two species are seen together in Arabia. Also a Masked Shrike by the golf course. Mats found a juvenile Crested Honey Buzzard coming back at lunchtime over the golf course. Also a number of Pied Wheatears. On October 28 he got a quick view of the Crested Honey Buzzard again at sunrise. At the ditch he saw two Red-vented Bulbuls and a Greater Short-toed Lark. 28 Ferruginous Ducks, 14 Northen Shoveler, one Grey Heron, one Little Egret and about 5 Little Stints were at the percolation pond. Around the small settling pond were 5 Pallid Swifts, about 30 Barn Swallows and Sand Martins. Three Daurain Shrikes in total and one Marsh Sandpiper, seven Little Stints, three Temmnick's Stints as well as one Dunlin.
Pied Wheatear
Masked Shrik
Red-vented Bulbul