There have
been a few more birds around recently but things are still very quiet. An
immature Greater Spotted Eagle has been seen around the spray fields ad
percolation pond often perched in the large trees. Duck numbers have increased
on the pond with 21 Northern Shovellers, 12 Ferruginous Ducks, three Garganey
and the Common Pochard is still present. The pond also had an adult Grey Heron
and a single Little Egret, a species that is not seen very often on the ‘patch’
as well as 20+ Western Cattle Egrets. A small fall of Pied Wheateras occurred
on one day with seven birds, mainly first year males present in the scrubby
desert area. The spray fields had a single Turkestan Shrike, one Red-backed Shrike perched on one of
the spray heads and a single White Wagtail was still around the settling pond.
Pied Wheatear - first year male |
Red-backed Shrike |
Common Pochard |