
09 September 2014

World Shorebirds Day – Dammam / Al Khobar Wader Roost south

On 6th September Phil Roberts and I counted shorebirds at the Dammam / Al Khobar Wader Roost south site as part of the World Shorebirds day. The tide was a very low high tide and the time was the middle of the day when the temperatures were 42 degrees Celsius, so we were not expecting to see a great number of waders. We were pleasantly surprised by the final numbers which were collated by Phil and are shown below. World Shorebirds Day is an effort to raise awareness of the importance of regular bird monitoring as the core element of bird protection and habitat conservation. About half of the world’s shorebird populations are in decline, and the rate of habitat loss is worse than ever before. Saving birds without knowing the actual number of individuals of a bird species living in the world is impossible & population figures should not be guesses. If proper monitoring is conducted then population figures and trends can be worked out for the species monitored. This program aims to give a picture of the power of field work, to help non-counters to improve their counting skills, and to increase the number of counters worldwide. Healthy populations of shorebirds mean healthy wetlands, something that thousands of human lives depend on. Action on a global scale needs to be organized to encourage people to be connected with shorebirds, their spectacular life and their habitats. With this in mind Gyorgy Szimuly a Hungarian bird conservationist thought of World Shorebirds Day to be held every year on the 6th of September or the closest weekend to the 6th of September (preferably on Saturday). The main aims are:

·                To raise public awareness about the need to protect shorebirds and their habitats throughout their life cycles

·                To raise public awareness about the need for ongoing shorebird research

·                To connect people with shorebirds through important shorebird sites around the world

·                To get shorebird enthusiasts to introduce shorebirds to more birdwatchers

·                To raise awareness about the need for increased funding for shorebird research, monitoring and conservation.
Greater Sand Plover
Little Stint