
02 September 2014

Waders in the spray fields – Dhahran Hills

The spray fields have been relatively dry in recent weeks and with very high temperatures (43 degrees Celsius) and humidity the waders have been looking for any water to feed in. A relatively deep and thin area of water with long grass next to one of the spray heads has formed a nice area of water where waders can feed, but has be devoid of birds on most visits. Recently four Ruff of various different plumage types were present along with a Wood Sandpiper and Little Stint. Ruff is a relatively common passage migrant and can be seen regularly on the camp but they are quite difficult to photograph so I was pleased with my efforts to capture the three birds on film. Initially I was in the wrong position but managed to work my way around until the sun was behind me. There were very few other birds about apart from a flock of 12 Black-tailed Godwits on the percolation pond, the highest count I have had of this species by far. Previously my record count had been three, so a nice congregation for the ‘patch’.
Wood Sandpiper
Wood Sandpiper