
14 September 2014

Increasing numbers of ducks – Dhahran Hills

Small numbers of ducks have been using the percolation pond for the last few weeks with the majority being Garganey. On 10 September there was an increase in numbers with the count of Ferruginous Ducks being the highest number seen together on the pond since I have been in Saudi Arabi. A few days ago there were three birds but on 10th September this had increased to 11. They remained mainly on their own, in a group, but were occasionally seen associating with one or two Northern Shovellers, whose total number was 13. Apart from the ducks already mentioned two Garganey were also seen on the pond. Again these birds were all very flighty and would not allow close approach at all, but always flew around and landed back on the pond allowing a few flight photographs to be taken. Other interesting birds seen on the pond included 10+ Sand Martins, several Yellow Wagtails and three Common Sandpipers. The only other migrant of note seen was a couple of Isabelline Wheatears and one Northern Wheatear.
Ferruginous Ducks
Ferruginous Ducks
Ferruginous Ducks
Ferruginous Ducks
Northern Shoveller