
22 August 2014

Glossy Ibis - Dhahran Hills

Back on the ‘patch’ on 20 August resulted in few birds but a couple of good ones with the best being a Glossy Ibis on the percolation pond. This is only the second time I have seen the species on the ‘patch’ and although distant stayed around until late evening when if flew off over the spray fields and out of the camp. Other good birds seen on the pond included a female Garganey and plenty of waders including ten Little Ringed Plovers, ten plus Wood Sandpipers, four Little Stints, several Kentish Plovers and 20+ Black-winged Stilts. A Yellow Wagtail and an Isabelline Wheatear were two other migrants seen on the muddy edge of the pond and a Clamorous Reed Warbler without a tail made a slightly unusual sight. The trees around the pond had a single European Turtle Dove and one European Bee-eater. The settling pond held very little with the exception of eight Little Grebes and spray fields likewise had little but did have a excellent adult male Red-backed Shrike an unusual sight at this time of year.
Glossy Ibis
Red-backed Shrike - adult male
European Turtle Dove & European Bee-eater