
13 June 2014

Thousands of Greater Flamingos – Sabkhat Al Fasl

Last weekend at Sabkhat Al Fasl we saw 7000+ Greater Flamingos. This is the highest count I know of for this site and it is in June an unusual month as they are normally winter visitors. There is a chance that the birds may breed here if they are undisturbed as conditions are ideal with shallow water with plenty of food and muddy areas to build nests on. It is not too late for birds to nest as nest building has occurred in Arabia in August. The site is probably too disturbed for successful breeding but this huge number leads one to wonder if it may be possible. Nesting has not been proven in Saudi Arabia although it was thought possible at the same site a number of years ago. Birds do breed in the United Arab Emirates to the south of Saudi Arabia as well as to the north occasionally in Kuwait.