
25 June 2014

Dhahran – bird records by Mats Ris

Mats was out birding the camp whilst I was away ringing terns in Bahrain and reports a rather good morning better the last week-ends. Two Crested Honey Buzzards lifted at 04 55 from the trees where I have seen these before, one came back at 05 25 (see photograph). Mats walked around on the golf course for about one hour but did not find any signs of a nest. Mats also saw  two Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin at the Golf course, and uncommon summer breeder in the Eastern Province. Mats also found a Red-vented Bulbul and nest another uncommon resident of the camp, with very few records each year. Around the percolation and settling ponds were 20 Black-winged Stilts, two Kentish Plovers, four Eurasian Hoopoes, three Namaqua Doves, three Pallid Swift and a Green Sandpiper. Mats sent me the two photos below of a couple of the good birds he saw and has kindly allowed me to use them on my website.
Crested Honey Buzzard
Red-vented bulbul
Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin