
26 June 2014

A Wildlfie Experience at Sabkhat Al Fasl – Post by Clément Crozet

My name is Clément Crozet and I’m from France. I’m in Saudi Arabia to work about Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility for a company called  MaSa. It’s a company providing Potable Water, Sea Water Cooling and Reclaimed water for Jubail and Yanbu  Industrial cities. One part of the water in Sabkhat Al-Fasl comes from our Waste Water plants.

We would like to set up a campaign of cleaning around Sabkhat Al-Fasl with the participation of our employees and also to set up an awareness campaign of our employees and public about wetland, water treatment and biodiversity. We will invite school children, our employees and families to discover our activities (Reclaim Water, Sea Water Cooling and Potable Water) and to discover the biodiversity (visit to Sabkhat Al-Fasl).

We are planning to have this event in October, 2014. It will be a three day event:
•             One day for cleanup Sabkhat;
•             One day for school children;
•             One day for the community of Jubail.

We would really appreciate to benefit from your expertise. Indeed, we are looking for some ornithologists able to make discover the world of birds to our employees, school children and the inhabitants of Jubail. We are not expecting keen birders but just people that can show their passion to other people and increase their awareness of the wildlife surrounding the Jubail area.

We already did some wildlife visits with our employees (pictures attached). The success of these visits went beyond our expectations and we are about to plan additional ones. It demonstrates that people want to learn more about wildlife in Saudi Arabia. All the employees were really impressed to see that this former desert is becoming a nice place for biodiversity thanks to reclaimed water.

You will find below some pictures of birds and animals that we saw during our wildlife visits .

If you are interested to step in this event of raising awareness with us and other specialists of the water treatment, please let us know at the following mail address: clement DOT crozet AT 

Thank you.

Clément Crozet