
02 May 2014

A few colourful birds – Dhahran Hills

Birding still remains slow in Dhahran with only the occasional new visitor being seen. The most obvious arrivals have been two or three European Rollers, one of which was in a dead tree in the spray fields and allowed close approach, even on foot. The first bird I saw was on 27 April, which was also the first one of the year for me. One was seen at Sabkhat Al Fasl last weekend but I did not see it as I was ringing. Other good birds seen during the last few days included a few Ortolan Buntings, a reasonable passage of European Bee-eaters, several European Turtle Doves, one or two Barn Swallows and a single Sand Martin. The only other bird of note was the Great Crested Grebe back on the percolation pond after being missing for several weeks.
European Roller
European Roller
European Bee-eater
European Bee-eater
European Bee-eater