
25 April 2014

Waders at Zulfi – Bird records by Mansur Al Fahad

Mansur kindly sent me details and photographs of his recent trip to Zulfi. One of his targets during his vacation to the area was to visit a small lake made by recent rainwater, as the rain in Sauid Arabia has been good this winter throughout most of the country. The lake was very small 20 x100 metres but had been larger as evidenced by the cracked ground. On March 14 & 15 a Red-necked Phalarope was seen for two consecutive days at this pool, where one was also seen two years ago. Mansur saw the bird on 15 March but unfortunately there was a severe dust storm, so photography was not possible. Mansur went again on 20 March but unfortunately did not find it. It was a good place for wading birds as can be seen from Mansur’s excellent photos which he has kindly allowed me to use on my website.
Common Sandpiper
Green Sandpiper
Wood Sandpiper
Marsh Sandpiper