
04 April 2014

A couple of new migrants for the year – Dhahran Hills

The ‘patch’ has improved slightly over the last couple of days and a few new migrants are passing through. Good numbers of Barn Swallows and Common Swifts were over the spray fields and percolation pond in the evening but it was warblers that made up the numbers of birds. There were 25+ Common Chiffchaffs, a female Blackcap, two Lesser Whitethroats, a Common Whitethroat, European Reed Warbler and Clamorous Reed Warbler. This was the first time this year I had seen a Blackcap or Common Whitethroat. A Common Redstart was in the cover by the pond and another female outside my office window and three Tree Pipits were seen in various places. Other migrants included a fine male Woodchat Shrike and a Turkestan shrike along with four Eurasian Hoopoes. The pond had very little with the exception of the Great Crested Grebe and a Common Greenshank.
Common Chiffchaff
Turkestan Shrike
Eurasian Hoopoe
Indian Reed Warbler
Common Swift