
04 March 2014

Spring is here at last – Dhahran Hills

Spring finally appears to have arrived with climbing temperatures and few good and brightly coloured birds to liven up the birding. It is very difficult to work out how many Rock Thrushes have been present in Dhahran hills over the last week but there has been a minimum of four Blue Rock Thrushes (two males & two females) and two Rufous-tailed Rock Thrushes (A male and a female). A Eurasian Sparrowhawk and two Western Marsh Harriers, an adult male and female/immature have been present over the spray fields and pond. My first Mauryan (Steppe) Grey Shrike of the spring was seen in the scrubby desert area where a few Pied Wheatears are also present. The percolation pond has only a handful of birds on it but the Great Crested Grebe has retuned and is looking in very fine plumage. Let’s hope it attracts a mate and breeds again this year. Six Little Grebes and three Eurasian Coot are also in residence along with ten Black-winged Stilts and a Green Sandpiper and Indian (Clamourous) Reed Warblers are singing again from the reed beds.
Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush - male
Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush - male
Blue Rock Thrush - female
Blue Rock Thrush - male
Blue Rock Thrush - male
Great Crested Grebe