
18 March 2014

Some typical desert birds near Tabuk – Bird records by Viv Wilson

Viv was out in the desert again near Tabuk last week and took a few photographs of some of the typical desert species out there. He often goes to areas near jebles and recorded Tristram’s Starling in this area along with Brown-necked Raven. Tristarm’s Starling is restricted to the west of the country from Jizan north to Tabuk whereas Brown-necked Raven is widespread but not often seen with a range covering the entire Kingdom. Viv also saw Desert Larks, a species that is almost always encountered when you go to real desert areas particularly near Jebals, with various sub-species occurring with ground colour to match their surroundings. The Isabelline Wheatear seen was probably a migrant, as many birds are passing through the Eastern Province at least at present, but small numbers of this species winter in Saudi Arabia so it is difficult to say with certainty. Viv has kindly allowed me to reproduce a few of his photos below.
Tristram's Starling
Tristram's Starling
Brown-necked Raven

Brown-necked Raven
Desert Lark
Desert Lark
Isabelline Wheatear