
03 March 2014

Sand Partridge, Sinai Rosefinch & Trumpeter Finch near Tabuk – Bird records by Viv Wilson

Viv was out birding in the desert recently north of the 8784 road to the west of Tabuk and managed to find a couple of the desert specialities whilst there. Sinai Rosefinch has a restricted range in Saudi Arabia and can only be found in the northwest of the Kingdom, where it is a breeding resident of the Northern Hejaz south to Wadi Sawawin. The Sand Partridge has a larger range but is mainly found down the western side where it is a common breeding resident of the Northern Hejaz, Central Arabia and the desert fringes of Asir and Hejaz. Locally common on the Tuwaiq Escarpment where groups of up to 70 have been seen together at waterholes it does not occur more far east of Riyadh and has not been seen in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. Trumpeter Finch is another desert speciality but this species is found in the Eastern province but is scarce. As these species are either not found or are scarce in the Eastern Province I have not seen any and would like to visit Tabuk one day when time permits. Viv kindly allowed me to use his photos on my website which are reproduced below.
Sand Partridge - female
Sand Partridge - female
Sinai Rosefinch
Trumpeter Finch
Trumpeter Finch