
13 February 2014

Plenty of Pallid Swifts, House Martins and Barn Swallows – Dhahran Hills

As mentioned a week or so ago the first signs of spring migration are appearing with the most obvious being the large numbers of Pallid Swifts seen over the pond and spray fields in the evening. The maximum count I have had was over 300 birds plus 25 House Martins and eight Barn Swallows. The numbers are higher this winter/spring than in previous years suggesting the species may have had a good breeding season last year? Other indications of possible movements are the small number of Eurasian Teal seen on the percolation pond in recent weeks with a maximum of eight seen during the last week. Mats, another birder, told me he had seen the Western Osprey by the pond and a Eurasian Sparrowhawk continues to hunt around the area. I saw a Daurian Shrike along the edge of the spray field and otherwise a few small flocks of House Sparrows and Common Mynas make up the majority of the other birds seen.
Pallid Swift
Pallid Swift
White-eared Bulbul
House Sparrow - female
House Sparrow - female
Daurian Shrike