
08 January 2014

Laura the satellite tagged Baltic Gull update – Bird records by Per Hansson

This is the latest update from Laura from 1 January 2014 where it is evident Laura has not left the Al Sehi area of Saudi-Arabia. The two first maps show the exact morning positions (9 o'clock) and the third shows a less accurate (but still possible) satellite positions (small squares) as well as the GPS positions (larger circle). Laura has been present for four months in Saudi Arabia now and it will be interesting to see how long she stays before moving back north to Sweden. If anyone is planning on visiting Jizan in the near future please can you contact me as we are still trying to obtain a photo of the bird in Saudi Arabia. The best days to go at present are Friday afternoon or Saturday since the fresh locations will arrive 13:00 hours each Friday until March 01. After that we will get report once a day (and positions from 00:00, 08:00 and 16:00 local time).