
28 January 2014

Great Crested Grebe returns – Dhahran Hills

The Great Crested Grebe has returned in the last two weeks to the percolation pond. It had been present for a few months prior to the lake being drained and did not take too long to return once the lake was refilled with water. It has built nests and bred on the pond in the past but not since I have been in Saudi Arabia, so let us hope a mate comes along for it and they breed again. Great Crested Grebe is not an easy bird to see in Saudi Arabia with the Eastern Province the best are to see them. Several lakes are good for the species including the one at the end of Abu Ali Island and Khafra Marsh. The percolation pond is also a regular place to see them. When seen side by side with Little Grebes, the large size of the great Crested Grebe can be easily noted and on the pond with little vegetation and few birds it stands out clearly and is very noticeable.