
09 December 2013

Meadow Pipits and Eurasian Skylarks – Dhahran Hills

A good gathering of pipits and larks is now underway in the spray fields at Dhahran Hills with plenty of Water Pipits, probably over 50 birds with a few Tawny Pipits and several Meadow Pipits mixed in. Meadow Pipit is an uncommon migrant and winter visitor to the Eastern Province and has also been seen in Central Arabia and northern Hejaz at these times. Trying to get good views of the pipits in the long grass is very difficult, but I managed to get a few photographs of them and the Eurasian Skylarks. I was hoping for an Oriental Skylark in amongst them but saw and heard only Eurasian Skylarks. Very little else was seen in the spray fields with the exception of two Daurian Shrikes and several White Wagtails. 
Meadow Pipit
Eurasian Skylark
Eurasian Skylark
Daurian Shrike