
08 November 2013

Pharaoh Eagle Owl at Sabkhat Al Fasl – Bird records by Dave Kilminster

Dave Kilmister found a Pharaoh Eagle Owl in poor condition at Sabkhat Al Fasl on 1 November. The bird was very thin and looked like it had been in the water with the local Marsh Harriers not happy with it, but the owl would ignore them. Pharaoh Eagle Owl is rare at Sabkhat Al Fasl with only one other record I know of. They may be more common but are difficult to see due to their secretive nature. Dave also took a great photo of a Western Marsh Harrier the week before at Sabkhat Al Fasl, feeding on a dead Purple Swamphen. Western Marsh Harrier is a very difficult bird to photograph on the ground making Dave’s picture even better. Dave has kindly allowed me to use his photos on my website the copyright of which remain with Dave.
Pharaoh Eagle Owl
Pharaoh Eagle Owl
Pharaoh Eagle Owl

Western Marsh Harrier

 Dave also had a photo of a Eurasian Scops Owl brought to him at work for identification. Dave works at Ras Al-Khair and mentioned they are still getting new birds arriving this week it was Bluethoats.