
23 November 2013

Large numbers of Common Black-headed Gulls – Dhahran Hills

The poor weather with large amounts of rain has left puddles and small lakes all over the place where there is normally desert. As a result Black-headed Gulls have been taking advantage of the water to rest on, fly around and generally enjoying themselves. It is not unusual too see large numbers of the species flying over the camp, but they seldom stop and the current numbers are the largest I have seen since I have been here. At the peak there were probably 60+ birds around. Waders are also enjoying the new wet areas with good numbers of Ruff totalling 22 birds. Little Stint numbers are in double figures and two Common Greenshanks and a Common Redshank were in the wet fields. The best waders were two Ruddy Turnstones, although they only stayed briefly before flying off. A Clamorous Reed Warbler was enjoying the rain and plenty of Water Pipits and White Wagtails were doing likewise. Just as it was getting dark a Northern Shoveler flew in a landed for the night.
Common Black-headed Gull
Common Redshank
Northern Shoveller