
26 November 2013

A scattering of birds – Khafrah Marsh

A visit to Khafrah Marsh on the way back from Sabkhat Al Fasl, primarily to see if I could see any sign of breeding Purple Swamphens failed to locate the Swamphens but produced a number of good birds. Two Great Crested Grebes were swimming on the water and a flock of four Pochards flew over and around before deciding there may be better places to land. A single Western Marsh Harrier was seen over the red beds and two Caspian Terns were flying over fishing. One Great Cormorant flew in, landed and started fishing in the middle of the lake and 20+ Indian Reef Herons and Little Egrets few around and landed in a small flock at the back of the Marsh. A few waders, mainly Common Ringed Plovers, Kentish Plovers and Black-winged Stilts were feeding along the muddy edges of the marsh and Clamorous Reed warblers were calling from the reeds.
Indian Reef Heron
Caspian Tern
Great Cormorant