
24 October 2013

The first returning Water Pipits of the winter – Dhahran Hills

The Western White Stork has not been seen for three days now so may have moved off to pastures new. It is possible it has changed locations and is still about but I have not seen it. The field where it was present had a single Water Pipit on it, which was the first returning bird I have seen. They are common winter visitors to the Eastern Province but they normally return in early November. Two more Water Pipits were found on the rough ground near the spray fields. Other returning wintering birds that are now increasing in numbers are White Wagtails. There are now well into double figures of these birds including adult male, female and juveniles. Yellow Wagtail numbers remain high with 25+ birds in a small flock by the settling pond. The pond had two Garganey, one female Northern Pintail, 15 Ruff and six Little Stints. A Curlew Sandpiper was in a wet field with a Green Sandpiper and a large Eurasian Sparrowhawk flew over low hunting for small birds.
Water Pipit
Curlew Sandpiper
Green Sandpiper