
06 October 2013

Eurasian Wryneck new ringing species - Alba Marsh

Whilst ringing at Alba Marsh last weekend we caught a Eurasian Wryneck. The net we caught the bird in was placed at the edge of the reed beds between two small Tamarisk bushes and the bird was the last bird we caught during the day. It was a very pleasant surprise when I saw it in the net, although I thought it was a shrike from a distance. They are really beautiful birds and the movement of their necks when in the hand is quite comical.

This was a new ringing species for me and although Nicole had not ringed one in Bahrain before she had done so in Turkey so I got the chance to ring the bird. It was certainly a great way to end a slow but enjoyable days ringing back on the marsh. We also cut a couple of new rides to use next time we are back at the marsh as the site has grown a lot over the summer and reed cutters have cut the reeds in a couple of places we sued to set nets.