We saw quite a few birds in an afternoon out
looking for the Arabian Gazelles with a pair in flight to the south of Farasan
town near the coast. We saw additional birds at the Arabian Gazelle head office
area and saw seven birds in total. The birds gave good views on occasions and
they can be seen by driving around and looking for large birds in flight.
Stopping and waiting Is then a good option in the hope that they fly over where
you have parked.
Jem's Birding & Ringing Exploits in the Eastern Province and elsewhere in Saudi Arabia
01 October 2013
Egyptian Vulture – Farasan Islands
The Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus is the most common vulture of Saudi Arabia and is a widespread resident except the Empty Quarter and northern
areas. Although it is widespread it is an uncommon but widespread breeding
resident in the Tihama, Red Sea, Asir and Hejaz and scarce to rare breeder in the
Northern Hejaz and Central Arabia. Records are rare in the Eastern Province,
but recent sightings have come from near Riyadh and at Tabuk. Records suggest additional
migrants arrive for the winter as numbers increase slightly during this period.
The highest count recorded was up to 200 birds
in a wetland in the south-west of Saudi Arabia in the 1990’s. Although little
is known about the species in Saudi Arabia the population and range are both
declining with the mainland population probably only about 10% of what it was
50 years ago. The Farasan Islands are a good site for seeing the species in
Saudi Arabia with birds thinly scattered over the main two islands.