
23 October 2013

A Wader Flock – Dhahran Hills

With the percolation pond still drained of water the only real wet area on the camp is now the settling pond. This is attracting a lot of birds now and today had a big flock of waders. There were 27 Black-winged Stilts, 11 Ruff, five Common Snipes, four Curlew Sandpipers, three little Stints, one Bar-tailed Godwit and one Common Sandpiper. A wet field had three Wood Sandpipers and a Green Sandpiper making up a good selection of waders for the ‘patch’. The Bar-tailed Godwit was a first for the year for the 'patch' for me and although the light was poor by the time I found it, gave reasonably good views. The settling pond also had three Garganey and three Little Grebes as well as a big mixed flock of 50+ Yellow Wagtails and White Wagtails with Yellow outnumbering White by about five to one. Despite looking on most of the bushes the best I could come up with was a Turkestan Shrike and a Spotted Flycatcher.
Wood Sandpiper
Bar-tailed Godwit
Yellow Wagtail
Turkestan Shrike