
22 October 2013

A small influx of Yellow Wagtails – Dhahran Hills

The weather yesterday was windy and dusty with poor light in the evening so photography was difficult. There were a few birds about including a small influx of Yellow Wagtails most of which were beema types. Yellow Wagtails passed in good numbers a month ago but numbers have dropped off and this is a small second wave coming through. The birds were feeding around the sandy area by the settling pond and with them were a good selection of waders. These included at least elven Ruff, seven Kentish Plover, ten Little Stints and five Black-winged Stilts. Five Little Grebes were on the water as well as a female Northern Pintail and female Garganey both new birds on the patch this autumn for me.
Yellow Wagtial
Little Stint

The spray fields had virtually nothing but a fine adult male Eurasian Hobby was sitting on the ground at the edge before flying off prior to me getting my camera on it. The wet fields and ditch had three Black-winged Stilts and three Green Sandpipers.
Black-winged Stilts
Green Sandpiper