
20 September 2013

Western White Stork still present – Dhahran Hills

The Western White Stork, was still present at the same football field along with the juvenile Collared Pratincole yesterday. This time the light was better as I got to the field earlier in the evening and managed to get a few better photographs. Yellow Wagtail numbers had increased with a few smart looking beema types about. The wet ditch still holds three Little Stints, one Green Sandpiper and one Wood Sandpiper and the Great Reed Warbler is still flitting about in the small patches of reeds growing along the edge of the ditch. Very few other birds are around in this area apart from a few European Bee-eaters flying over calling and several Eurasian Hoopoes looking for food in the soft banks.
Western White Stork
Western White Stork
Western White Stork
Western White Stork
Collared Pratincole - juvenile
Collared Pratincole - juvenile
Collared Pratincole - juvenile

 The best bird seen around the spray fields and pond was an adult Southern Grey Shrike in the bushes near the pond. The only other real sign of migration was plenty of Yellow Wagtails on the fields and scrubby desert area and several Sand Martins flying over the settling pond where waders included Black-winged Stilt, Little Stint, Wood Sandpiper and Kentish Plover in varying numbers. A juvenile Purple Heron was seen in the ate evening flying over the scrubby desert area as it was getting dark.
Yellow Wagtail - beema