
15 September 2013

Not much changing - Dhahran Hills

Bird numbers have remained fairly low with a slight drop in the number of species seen. Most of the birds have been trying to keep cool in the high humidity so photographic opportunities have been scarce this week with birds only becoming active just before sunset when the light is poor for photography. The spray fields still has a juvenile Purple Heron and plenty of Yellow Wagtails for various types feeding in the wet long grass. Two Northern Wheatears were also present but not much else. Eurasian Hoopoes have increased in number recently so obviously some migrants are passing through adding to the resident population.
Eurasian Hoopoe
Yellow Wagtail
New migrants have included a Eurasian Curlew flying over but not landing and a Grey Heron doing the same. Presumably if the pond was operational and had water they would have stopped as both appeared to be looking for somewhere to come down. The wet ditch still has a similar number of birds of the same species but turnover of individuals appears to be high. A Clamorous Reed Warbler is still in the reed along the edge of the ditch but very little else.
Green Sandpiper
Wood Sandpiper
Little Stint