
06 September 2013

New birds passing – Dhahran Hills

A few new migrants have been passing through Dhahran in the last few days with Tawny Pipit, European Roller, Yellow Wagtail, Barn Swallow and Sand Martin being the best. Otherwise it has been waders that have been keeping the interest up with quite a few birds on the drainage ditch and the settling pond. Most waders have been Kentish Plover, with over 30 seen daily. Common Ringed Plover peaked at five birds and two Little Ringed Plovers were also present. A minimum of 20 Little Stint, five Green Sandpipers and three Wood Sandpipers were also seen. A fly over bird of prey was probably a Kestrel of some sort but poor and brief views left it unidentified. A unusual sight was two Little Grebes sitting on the mud of the rapidly drying out settling pond, presumably working out where to go next when the water runs out? Doves are still common with plenty of Eurasian Collared Doves and Namaqua Doves still around.
Little Stint
Wood Sandpiper
Wood Sandpiper
Eurasian Collared Dove